dilluns, 21 de juliol del 2014

Four Week

Travelling to Australia was so exciting!! We learned how the cangaroo goes!

Obviously we played some sports like Rugby, hockey, basketball and football in a very different way... have you ever played this sports changing the balls?! They did it!!

They had to pass some tests, so we split them in teams of four but... passing the tests wasn't so easy, because they needed to find a lot of people to help them!!

And finally, the sailing!! Sun, sea, and a lot of fun!!

diumenge, 13 de juliol del 2014

Third Week

Hello everyone!
This week has been awesome!! A lot of things happened. We've traveled to United Kingdom and we've played some sports games like "the four square bottle football"

We've participated in The Voice Kids and they were so skilled!!

The crazy sports here!! Two teams were playing. At a certain time we started another sport and every time a team scored one point we changed teams... that was so funny!! Football, basketball, shootball, hockey, frisbee and baseball all toghether!!

And finally the sailing on friday!! To be bored is not allowed!!

dilluns, 7 de juliol del 2014


Every afternoon we have been working on a ZOMBIE MOVIEEEE!!! It was so funny acting like a zombie and swim with clothes!! We hope you like it!!



We have done a lot of things this week,
We have been in U.S.A and a lot of things happened!!
We have played American football and Pichi!!

And we have gone to the swimming pool every day :)

And finally, we have gone to Arenys de Mar!! We are not saying anything about this... just check the pictures!!

English Summer Camp 2014

Hello, welcome to the English Summer Camp Blog.
This is the first week of English Summer Camp and we play football, basketball and we play short time in the swimming pool. After lunch we have a little while of a playground. Later we come to the informatic clas!

Let’s see the photos: